The monthly traffic feature, that’s at times also called bandwidth or information transfer, identifies the total volume of information that can be uploaded to your cloud hosting account and downloaded from it every month. Your site traffic is generated predominantly by site visits - whenever somebody finds your site, the webpages they see are downloaded from the hosting server to his / her computer or mobile device and they are displayed by the browser. What counts for the website traffic produced is the overall size of these pages, hence the more site visitors you have for a given period of time, the more website traffic will be generated. In addition to the site visits, file uploads will also be counted towards the entire monthly transfer which means that every time you upload website content or other files using a file manager or an FTP software, they'll also produce some site traffic. The counter resets on the first day of each month and it's not related to the date you've signed up and the date you've renewed your web hosting package.
Monthly Traffic in Cloud Hosting
The monthly site traffic allowance for our cloud hosting packages is sufficient for any web site. Whether you have a blog, a discussion board or E-commerce portal, the amount of data will be transferred to and from your account or hitting some low allowance limit won't be an explanation for your web sites to be inaccessible. We also provide you with in-depth site traffic statistics, so you'll be allowed to keep track of how much info is being downloaded all of the time. The hourly, daily and monthly figures will inform you on how your web sites do, which files generate the most traffic as well as a lot more important information which can help you take care of your web sites and the account altogether. The stats can be reached with just a few mouse-clicks from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers
The monthly traffic feature of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting service is unrestricted, or as many companies describe it, unmetered. Of course, we keep track of the volume of uploaded and downloaded content for each account, but we won't put any restriction, therefore your sites can grow and get more visitors. We supply you with elaborate info what is going on in your account so as to help you handle your sites better and to have an idea how they perform. You will be able to observe the traffic generated by each site as well as the most frequently downloaded web page or file. The figures are hourly, daily and monthly. In a continually evolving internet world, you're able to have a significant number of new site visitors with just a single marketing campaign, so by providing a really unlimited plan, we'll make sure that you won't lose clients simply because your account can't take care of the traffic.
Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers
The monthly traffic allowance that you will get with our VPS web hosting service is sufficient for any type of site and it's proportionate to all the rest of the system resources that come with each package. By using a more powerful server, you will be able to operate a wide range of websites or a few extremely popular websites, which means that the traffic allowance for the higher packages is also increased. When you start with a low-end VPS package, you can easily enhance it whenever you want with a couple of mouse-clicks via your billing Control Panel and then the additional resources will be added to your current account, along with the added traffic allowance. All of the VPS accounts include a server administration panel where you can keep track of the used and remaining site traffic for the current month as well as all of the other resources. We also send notifications any time you get to 90% of your limit, so you'll have enough time to react and update if you find it necessary.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers
Taking into consideration how powerful all our Linux dedicated servers are, the data transfer that you'll have each and every month will be sufficient for any type of web site irrespective of the amount of its visitors, even if you supply image or file hosting. You'll get an allowance of terabytes of site traffic every single month and as you won't share the server with others, that allowance will be provided just for your web sites and web applications. We will inform you when you reach 90% of your allowance which means that you can react and either optimize your web sites to decrease the site traffic they make, or increase your limit. It is highly unlikely that you will ever require more than what we will supply you with, but we won't obstruct the development of your websites, therefore we leave the option to add additional site traffic open. The dedicated server packages include a control panel where you'll be able to see how much website traffic has been produced so far for the present month and what amount is left until you get to the cap. Considering the fact that these figures include software installations and updates, they are more correct than numerous hosting Control Panel stats which include only the site traffic generated by web sites.